Bro Cave: @theseventyx7x
What’s up, internet? Wait, that’s not my intro. Whatever. We’re back. Again. At this rate this feature might as well be bi-weekly. For those not in-the-know, I’ve started a new job (real job) and KBMOD time has been very limited for me, and I apologize for the lack of content – particularly the Bro Cave selections.
This week we feature a relatively new convert of not only console gaming, but also the shackles of gaming on a boot-camped Macbook. Welcome to the big-leagues:
Hello! I’m seventyx7x, a 19 year old bro from Oregon. Welcome to my Bro Cave!
I first started gaming on an original GameBoy at some point in the ’90s! Playing games like Wario, Mario, and other random games. I got a PSX a few years later along with Spiro the Dragon and Syphon Filter. I naturally moved up to a PS2 and fell in love with the Jax and Daxter series. I mostly played platformers. I moved on to an Xbox 360 in about 2007, and sold it in 2008 to get a PS3. Then I sold the PS3 for another 360… and finally bought a PS3 slim about a year after that! 2 of each consolols… So troll.
I got a MacBook pro in 2009 because I was very involved in media production in high school, and I did a little bit of gaming on that when Steam was released for OS X (TF2, L4D)
I got more into PC gaming about a year ago, playing League of Legends with my friends on my MacBook Pro using Windows with Boot Camp (which allows you to partition your hard drive and install another OS) I found the KBMOD podcast in July thanks to a promotion from John, and it was a mix of listening to that and being tired of gaming on my under powered notebook that made me look into building my own PC. Some interesting conversations were started on the KBMOD ventrillo server about gaming on a Mac, some people didn’t even believe me!
I started looking into parts in September and almost clicked the check out button on! But I didn’t have the money, it would have been on credit. So i saved up and held off, continuing to play PC games on a MacBook Pro. I finally built my own PC about 2 months ago and went hardcore. By the time it came to order the PC for real, practically all of the build had changed. I got a lot of help picking my components from @Jorge_Olivera, @skoot_, and @vol1tion. I have no regrets! Not even the blue LED fans and cathodes. I currently play League of Legends, COD 4, Blacklight, and Tribes. Sometimes I mix in some Assassin’s Creed with a wired 360 controller…. O.o shhhh
And as far as future upgrades, I’m looking into getting a GTX 680 in the coming months, and possibly 8GB more of Ram while it’s cheap. A Corsair H70 may also be on the list, mostly for aesthetics. But I am defiantly happy with my performance in this machine, and my first build. KBMOD!
CPU: Intel i5-2500k @ 4.5 GHz Mobo: GIGABYTE GA-Z68A-D3H-B3 Case: Corsair 300R Blue LED: Logisys 12′ Blue Cold Cathode x 2 Case Fans: Cooler Master 120mm Silent Blue LED Case Fan x 2 Ram: Corsair Vengeance 8GB @ 1600MHz CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus Power Supply: SeaSonic 620W 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Optical Drive: LITE-ON iHAS424-98 GPU: MSI 6950 Twin Frozr III OC 2GB SSD: Crucial M4 128GB Hard Drive: Seagate Barracuda 500GB 7200RPM Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster P2370HD 23″ Mouse: Razer Death Adder Keyboard: Razer Black Widow Ultimate Battlefield 3 Edition Redish Guitar: LTD Viper-300M Guitar Amp: Orange Crush 50BXT Guitar Pedals (Left to Right): Boss GE-7 Equalizer, Boss DD-3 Digital Delay, Boss ML-2 Metal Core Green/Black Guitar: Drive WildFireX3 2009 15″ MacBook Pro 2.66Ghz I also upload guitar cover videos at
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