The KBMOD Uplink: Monday, February 4, 2013
Monday is here and due to the Super Bowl Sportsball Extravaganza, that also means the KBMOD podcast. Tune in tonight at 10 PM EST on our Twitch channel for the show! It was a quiet weekend and Monday for news, but we still have a few things to peak your interest.
-The Steam Registry has long been a source of rumor and speculation. What files are hidden in the bowels of Steam that hint to unreleased games or juicy rumors? This time the data miners over at NeoGaf have found some strange and unreleased titles. Among the games found in the file list this time are Halo 1-3, Cut the Rope, Angry Birds and Duke Nukem: Atomic Edition. Does this mean any of these are actually coming to Steam? No one knows, but it is fun to think about a Halo 3 port coming to PC. There were also several games we know about such as Fez and Octodad: Dadliest Catch. The one I’m keeping an eye out for is Jonathan Blow’s new game The Witness.
-SimCity is looking fantastic and half our staff here at KBMOD have already pre-ordered the game. If you are on the fence or want a bit more relaxed city-building experience, have no fear; sandbox mode is here. SimCity will include a mode with every building unlocked and unlimited cash. I foresee some epic Minecraftesque constructions of real cities or fantasy locales coming out of this.
-Skyrim mods are always breathing new life into the game. If you were wanting a more full experience beyond prettier graphics or crabs with top hats, look no further. Enderal: Shards of Order is for you. The mod is a total conversion that will bring a new storyline, deeper player choice as well as new items and quests. Check out some details and amazing screenshots at the Enderal website.
-Lastly we have some DayZ news. A new patch is out for the mod (not the stand alone) which delivers a ton of game critical fixes as well as some new mechanics. Disease is now a more prevalent mechanic and eating and drinking get a lot more dangerous. You have to actually boil water and cook meat to eliminate possible infection. If you frequent the safer, mostly hacker free white-listed servers, check out all the changes over at the DayZ forums.
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