Published on April 23rd, 2013 | by Brandon

KBMOD Podcast – Episode 89

Episode 89 sees a return to almost normalcy on the cast. We have the original crew, minus LAN hopping John, but we get Blacklite to fill in. We discuss what we’ve been playing this week including going in-depth with Just Cause 2 Multiplayer. The news section is diverse as we discuss UK ISP debacles, Bethesda’s new game The Evil Within, Razer honoring a coupon glitch and much more. twitter dives into topics like KBMOD themed League skins, the overall quality of games, and our thoughts on stand alone expansions.


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Avatar photoBrandon

Brandon started his PC gaming days playing Doom II (IDDQD/IDKFA for life) and has been hooked on online gaming since the original Starsiege: Tribes. The way to his heart is through proper grammar, corn dogs, and cookie cake.

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