KBMOD Multistream Update
One of the most popular features of the site — okay, the most popular feature, save perhaps the Podcast — is our Multistream page/app/thingy. Its usage has grown by leaps and bounds over the last year. In an effort to streamline things a bit, we’ve pushed out an update that should make it just a little bit more convenient to use. Here are the features to look for:
- Most visibly: the Edit button (the little pencil in the upper-left corner) is now a pop-up menu rather than a link back to the main page. That means you can easily change what streams you’re watching without having to navigate away from the viewing page. Currently, you still have to refresh the streams when you make a new layout, but that should change in the future. The menu refreshes each time you click the button, so it will also show you at a glance which of our list of featured streams are currently live.
- Cosmetic changes: The main layout-building page now matches the look of the rest of the site a little bit more. There are also some small tweaks to details like icon placement and visibility.
- Navigation: There’s now a menu at the bottom of the layout-building page (as well as the pop-up menu) with links to main sections of the KBMOD web site. Hopefully this will make the rest of the features of the site a little bit more discoverable by the folks who use Multistream but haven’t yet been assimilated into the KBMOD collective. Muahahahaha.
In the near future, there will likely be another minor update to refine these features, and from there we’ll be continuing in the same direction of streamlining the user experience and generally making it more convenient to use. To all of those who are using it for your multi-streaming needs: Thank you and there are good things coming down the pipeline! (Hint: it’s also pretty nice even if you’re only watching one stream.)
Have some thoughts on Multistream? Please share in the comments below or Tweet us at @KBMODGaming! Or, just go use Multistream now, that’s okay too.
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