Good morning! It’s business time!
Good morning. Last night we had some KBMOD business time! Now you get to have some news time this morning. And there is a bunch of it today!
Blowing stacks: A new GTA V update hits next week bringing tons of high end merchandise to the game. If you have fat cash to blow from heists there are new vehicles, weapons and clothes to buy!
Squashing bugs and adding hugs: A new Witcher 3 patch (1.05 will be the version) is coming, fixing a huge number of bugs. Most prominently this includes a bug that caused players not to get XP when completing quests. Also coming this week is another free DLC including new armor and a baller crossbow for Geralt.
More free witching: There is now a special on the season pass for Witcher 3 (which will add 30 hours of content) from GOG. If you buy the season pass, you get the first two Witcher games free! Pretty decent deal! You can give the games to a friend or see what you’ve missed.
Already obsolete: Intel has finally announced its desktop Broadwell processors. They should be here within a couple months. Don’t buy one.
XCOM is back: XCOM 2 is a thing. And it is PC exclusive. Here’s the trailer. No release date has been announced yet.
Even more Iron Bull: Even more Dragon Age: Inquisition content is coming. If you didn’t get enough story, prepare to hop back in! Bioware has confirmed it is working on more stuff for the game, but no real details are forthcoming.
That’s it for this morning! Enjoy your day and why don’t you go join the conversation on our forums?
Good talk. See ya out there.