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Published on August 10th, 2011 | by Dan


>Valve introduces Hats for Games scheme.


Hot on the heels of Mann Co. store and trading boom in Team Fortress 2 a few months ago, Valve further integrates TF2 and Steam. Now you can trade that old hat, or your tenth Degreaser you’ve found, for a game.

Yes, a game. Players can now trade gifted copies of games (either from bundles where they doubled up on a game or just buying it fresh) for TF2 loot. I personally like this. It rewards playing the game with a possible free game. I wouldn’t mind trading a hat for a copy of Limbo.
If you are interested, or concerned for that matter about how this will work, Valve has put a FAQ up here. If this is a sign of things to come in future games for Valve (with styles that suit it) I wouldn’t be against it at all. The TF2 Free-to-play model is working great so far.
The official Valve announcement is here.

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I put the OO in Swagoo. One of the founders of KBMOD. I stream on Twitch as well as writing and editing for the website.

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