Good morning! I’m thinking of making a list.
Good morning. I’m thinking of doing a top ten games list for myself and posting it on this very website, but man, that’s a lot of work. We’ll see. For now, let us move on to some links with news in them.
League of toxicity: Riot have turned on a new system to catch toxic players in the act. Only in MOBAs, man.
Expanding Yharnam: Sony has confirmed that a Bloodborne expansion is coming. This is really good news for those of us who missed like 6 bosses in their first play through and need to do another one just to see the rest of the game.
Based Smedley: Yung Smedley, also known as John Smedley of Daybreak studios, has said he will unban cheaters from H1z1 if they make a heartfelt plea on YouTube. Public humiliation justice is the best justice.
I guess this exists: There is now a live action trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight. I am as confused as PC Gamer.
A hat trick of Witcher news: PC Gamer has finally published their review. Turns out The Witcher 3 is quite good. As for the downgrade controversy (which really isn’t one), CD Projekt RED are going head on at the issue. They talk frankly about it and will be adding some visual upgrades and options in the future (on PC anyway). If you need to tweak the game now for performance or beauty, here is a little guide that might help.
Another MMO: Blade & Soul is coming west to give you another option to satisfy that MMO craving. This MMO happens to play like those amazing Asian martial arts films, like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I’m also loving the art style in this game. May have to check this one out.
That’s it for now, mates. Enjoy your mornings and go hit up the forums while you’re at it!
Good talk. See ya out there.
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