Good morning! Have some Monday morning video games.
Good morning. I am now back in the world of reality, and I have to admit, it kind of sucks. I did find some links for you though, so enjoy a little reading material to start the week.
Valve won’t refund scams: Valve will no longer refund items lost in trade scams. Their reasoning? “All scams are avoidable.” Well, I can’t really argue with them. Bottom line: be careful out there.
Nintendo won’t, but someone should: Mario. In Unreal Engine 4. Watch it before Nintendo takes it down.
Opening a new gate: There is a countdown right now on the Baldur’s Gate website. Looks like we’re getting a new Baldur’s Gate game soon! Rejoice, old school RPG fans! Well, rejoice if you’ve managed to get your face out of Pillars of Eternity for a minute.
Mo’ Batman, Mo’ Problems: You knew we couldn’t get through a morning post without some Arkham Knight news. Rocksteady are continuing to work to fix the broken PC version of Arkham Knight, but it is going to take some time. In the meantime, little patches are being released to fix crashes and other issues. If you do have the game running and want to get more adventurous with it, you can now play as ten different characters thanks to a mod.
That’s it for today. The podcast will be out tomorrow and tonight is the Build Guides Live Show at 10 PM ET on our Twitch channel!
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