Introducing KBMOD Discord
After taking a look at Discord and talking with the developers at PAX, we’re ready to roll out our little instance see how the community likes it. If you’re not familiar, Discord is essentially Skype, Mumble and Slack all rolled into one package. We’ve been playing with it over the past few days, and while it’s still early we think it’s time we let everyone start poking around.
Keep in mind this is a new technology not only for us, but for the folks making the app as well. It’s only been live a few months, but we’re already impressed. It’s going to let us do a lot more with the community directly, with a cleaner setup and interface. This doesn’t mean we’re going to eliminate the Mumble server, or any other services right now. We want to run them in tandem and see what the community uses and enjoys.
So if you’re ready to take a look, head over to the Discord website and setup an account, then head over to our Discord server and start gaming, chatting and having fun. If you don’t see a channel you think we should have setup, either for text or voice, leave us a comment or shoot us an email and we’ll get things further fleshed out. We’ll see you there.
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