Good morning! It was then that the eagles carried me.
Good morning. I played some CS:GO last night and a group of 4 eagles descended to carry me through to a win. I embrace this. Let’s get to some news!
Poor taste: Hi-Rez Studios and Todd Harris, longtime friends of this site, have stepped a bit out of character. It appears they have made a fake Kickstarter mocking games funded by Kickstarter. The worst part? Given the history of certain franchises under Hi-rez, it isn’t very funny. Destructoid tears this apart properly, so give them a read. Come on, dudes, you’re better than this.
Controlling interest: Microsoft is releasing an updated Xbox One controller and PC wireless adapter. Unfortunately, the adapter won’t work with anything but Windows 10. I love the Xbox One controller, so this is definitely of interest for me. The bundled of controller+adapter will run you $80.
Pump up the volume: Mike Bithell’s new game, Volume, is releasing on August 18. This looks like a very cool, stylish stealth title.
Nostalgia: The earliest World of Warcraft screenshots ever have been released. This is easily one of the coolest things you will see in video game history. Do not skip this, click on that and see what the game was as early as 1999.
Going backwards: Black Ops 3 has been confirmed for PS3 and Xbox 360, likely hampering the game on all other systems. Let the past go when it comes to game development now. Stick on next-gen, and as we’ve seen, your game will be better.
Going backwards…again: Dark Souls 3 is confirmed for early 2016. Please do not release it this early, From Software, unless you can confirm it was in development in like 2012. Do not annualize Dark Souls and ruin an all-time great series and studio.
A lot of witchin’: The Witcher 3 has sold 4 million copies since release. Well done, CD Projekt RED.
Battleborn looks pretty damn fun.
That’s it for today! Make sure you check out the latest podcast episode and cruise over to the forums for a bit of conversation. Maybe leave a comment below on any of these news stories!
Good talk. See ya out there.
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