>Feeling Old: Metroid Turns 25

August 8th, 2011 | by Dan

> Yes we know, it’s console, but a video game icon is an icon none-the-less. Samus Aran is one of

Bro Cave: Scott

August 5th, 2011 | by Aplfisher

> Ok bros. It is now time for me to share my setup with you. It is nothing amazing but

>Killstreaks Can Save Lives Too

August 5th, 2011 | by Alex

>ABC news reported yesterday that a remote-controlled truck sent to Staff Sgt. Christopher Fessenden by his brother Ernie saved the

>Killstreaks Can Save Lives Too

August 5th, 2011 | by Alex

>ABC news reported yesterday that a remote-controlled truck sent to Staff Sgt. Christopher Fessenden by his brother Ernie saved the

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